Editorial - May 1975


Now that the Editors have climbed up out of the pile of excess articles that we received this month (for which we thank all of you), we have finally gotten around to the Editorial. By the way, anyone whose article does not appear this month need not worry as it will be in for sure next month.


It was pleasing to see such a great turnout at the club’s first ever “Live Theatre” night on Friday April 11th, to see “Two and Two Make Sex”. It sure put an end to all the knockers. We hope that in future support for this type of activity will continue.


We notice that Big D. got bombed out on whisky and lemonade at Jill and Paul Ryan’s party. Big D. swears that Dennis Cahill told him that it was apple cider. Incidentally, Big D. says he remembers very little about the evening, anyhow.


For those interested, there is to be an Historical Motorcycle Show, featuring 100 veteran, vintage and classic motorcycles, to be held at the South Melbourne Town Hall, from 12th – 17th May, from 10am-10pm daily.


Heard on the grapevine that Darren arrived at Hall’s Gap in his chrome-plated camp mobile, and had to drive to the top of the mountain to watch TV for three hours, as the reception in the camping area was very poor!!


Sorry to hear that Dennis Cahill’s accident on the Hall’s Gap camping weekend, in which he broke his leg in two places, has landed him back in hospital again this week, as the bone is badly splintered. Hopefully, Dennis will be back on his bike within a few short months. If anyone has a few spare hours sometime, why not pop in and cheer the invalid up now and again? His home address is Flat 6/54 Princess Street, Kew or phone him on 867473. By the way, his R90/S is a bit of a mess.


Members should note that riding too close on dirt roads (or any roads for that matter!) is extremely dangerous, as was evident by the three drops caused this way at Hall’s Gap.


Hear that Mick Fagan has scaped Les Leahy’s Guzzi to excess, recently, when it was given to him for a “test” ride. Now that is stretching a friendship just a bit too far, we think!!!


That’s about all the “gossip” for this month, so keep the articles coming for the mag, and ride safely during this first month of the winter, please.


.. Margaret and David, Editors……..