Date : Thursday 5th November, 1998

Opened : 8.20 AM

Apologies : John Riddett

Tim Walker

Danny Vits

Secretary’s Report : Phil Cottier sent a letter outlining TAC regulations

Ben Warden Renewal notice for the meeting hall

Motorcycling Council of Australia has encouraged our Club to combine with MECA to become a greater political force

Raffle tickets to win cars and bikes of the 1950’s received

Literature on Asian motorcycle tours

Shannon’s recent auction results

Treasurer’s Report : Closing balance $3,767.90. The Club is in a good financial position. However to remain strong it requires a ride day at least once per year.

Captain’s Report : A general summation of the previous months’ rides and a brief outline of the upcoming rides.

Above reports accepted and seconded from the floor.


General Business

  1. Clint Vertigan recently fell off a trail bike and is unable to put any weight on his right ankle; a card was passed around to sign and pass on good wishes.
  2. The current itinerary ends in November. Draft copies of the next itinerary are available.
  3. The Club BBQ will go ahead in December, free to members, $5 to non-members.
  4. The coming Christmas camp from Boxing Day to New Years Day will be held at Porepunkah as per last year.
  5. The Australia Day Weekend will be based at Corryong and will leave on the Friday.
  6. The Moto Spectacular run by AMCN will go ahead at the end of November.
  7. After 2 recent deaths on the Great Ocean Road the police could conduct a blitz.
  8. We all wish Stewart Forster all the best in America.
  9. Lyn Duncan proof read some recently published material for Vic Roads discussing road surfaces.
  10. Peter Philferan will be back on two wheels very soon after purchasing a new bike. Great stuff Peter! It has taken over 4 years for the TAC dealings to be completed.

Door Prizes - 1st Trent Brinsley

2nd Les Leahy

3rd Andi Sirninger