Thursday 3rd
Open Meeting: 8.30pm
Present: 21 members, 29 people
Apologies: Darryn Webster
Secretary Report: Read by Ben
Treasurers Report:
Captains Report Past & forthcoming rides previewed by Wayne.
General Business:
- Ian gave details on forthcoming Free Club BBQ at Fairfield Park on Saturday the 12th.
- New Itinerary is now available, please take one!
- Details on Christmas Camp location & activities given.
- Incorporation Changes. Recent amendments to the act require all clubs to adopt a Grievance Procedure and display our registration number on all club documents. Ian stated this has been done and our Reg. No A13853B will be added to all club paperwork.
- In an effort to align the Clubs election year with its financial year a 2 month itinerary for April/May will be formulated in early 1999.
- Lyn Duncan asked if the MTCV would be interested in a 10 pin bowling match against MAG. A show of hands confirmed it a good idea.
- It has been rumored a Police blitz will concentrate on the Great Ocean road over the Dec/Jan period.
- The Road Safety Council is seeking volunteers from the motorcycling community to join their group. They meet once per month, for details speak to Ian Payne.
Guest Speaker: None.
Door Prize: 1st Darren, 2nd Jack, 3rd Ron, 4th Jenny, 5th - Ian
Close Meeting: 9.05pm