April Whos News
The Club welcomes new member Peter van Meurs riding a Suzuki TL1000, Scott Schrieke on a CBR600 and Enzo Cunico on an RF900. They have all joined in the last month or so boosting our membership to 81. We wish them well and look forward to seeing them on many rides.
The MTCV Home Page has taken another 179 hits last month and 3408 since April 1996. This is our biggest monthly hit (142 last month) and is proving to be a powerful source of advertising for the Club.
Seen at the April Social Sip: Dianne Welsford, Jon Riddett and Zara, Darren Morecomb, Davorin Zivkovic, Robert and Mandy Matricciani, Nick and Tim Casemore, and Mick Hanlon.
Seen at Phillip Island at the World Superbikes: Dave Ward, Bronwyn Manifold, Jon Riddett and Zara, Mark Turner, Paul Tallents, Rhys Williams, Tim Walker, Dianne Welsford, Darryn Webster, Ben Warden and Julie McCall, Enzo Cunico, Dicky, Mick Hanlon, Tom Saville and Andi Sirninger, Tony Schrader, Vince Genova, Ian Payne, Geoff Barton and son, Warwick Piper and Kim, Darren Hosking, Wayne Grant, Jenny Burns, Mick Bosworth, and Nick and Tim Casemore.
Jack Youdan has a new Moto Guzzi 1100 Sport. He has been seen riding it on the last two club rides. He also has a CBX1000 (6 cylinder) hiding at home somewhere.
Nick Prapas has an RGV250 play bike to complement his Ducati 996. Ducati for Café Cruise rides and the RGV for the Reefton/Eildon style rides. That makes 3 RGVs in the Club.
Danny Vits is having a new cylinder barrel fitted to his R1100S in an effort to stop the oil leak. The bike has been into BMW 7 times including replacing every seal. This is the ultimate solution.
Congratulations to Darren and Wendy Hosking who are expecting a baby in July. Then well see how much time he has got for riding!
Ben Warden had a "minor" crash in the Grampians on Good Friday on the way to Adelaide that resulted in two broken ribs, a lacerated big toe, and miscellaneous bruising. Gravel on a corner.
While down at the World Superbikes Dicky (Darryl Otzen, former member) was propositioned! Yes, the owner of Tiger Angel Leathers asked him to seriously consider 125 racing as his size made him an ideal candidate. He was stoked.
Vince Genova is relocating his Honda/Ducati dealership to a new shop on Maroondah Highway. Check it out.
Thanks to Phil Cottier from Grice & Grice Solicitors who donated $100 to the Club coffers for running of their ad in our magazine. He also contributed an article.
Theo Kalkandis is in hospital undergoing shoulder surgery that will keep him off his bike for about 3 months. The Club wishes him a speedy and full recovery and looks forward to him riding again.
Ben Warden, Editor (in collaboration with Ian Payne)
A few words about the Club Participant of the Year
At most Club functions I try to gather a list of names to generate the table following. Other sources of data are the Club Magazine, the General Meeting Names Book, and people who do the write-ups. This table is only as accurate as the data supplied. I would appreciate members pointing out errors so that the table can be ammended.
The table is fairly self explanatory with months from May 98 to April 99 and the ride destinations along the top, a list of member names down the left and right sides, and the total number of people, bikes and cars per ride along the bottom axis. Personal points totals are tallied at the far right of the second page. I apologise for the size of print; if we didnt have so many activities . we wouldnt be the MTCV.
Next month I will interpret the figures and compare with years gone by. Or, if there are any volunteers .
More Whos News
Club Participant of the Year has been finalised. The top 10 Club Participants include Ben Warden with a score of 95.5, Ian Payne 77.5, Tim Walker 46, Lyn Duncan 45, Wayne Grant 43, Darren Hosking 36, John Willis 35, Ron Johnston 33, Rob Matricciani 33, and Dianne Welsford 32. The points are accumulated by attending a function (ride, social sip, general meeting) (1 point), leading a ride (additional 1 point), acting as rear rider (additional 1 point), and contributing to the Club Magazine (1 point per article per magazine, maximum of 2 points per magazine).
For Sale: Dunlop D207 (Road), 160/70/17 new $180.00 Phone Gerry 9458-5309.
Joke: One night, as a couple lay down for bed, the husband gently taps his wife on the shoulder and starts rubbing her arm. The wife turns over and says "Im sorry honey, I have a gynaecologist appointment tomorrow and I want to stay fresh." The husband, rejected, turns over and tries to sleep. A few minutes later he rolls over and taps his wife again. This time he whispers in her ear: "Do you have a dentist appointment tomorrow too?"