September General Meeting Minutes
Thursday 2nd
Open Meeting: 8.30pm
Present: 27 members and friends in attendance. (Vice Captain, Darren brought daughter Teagan along to her first meeting and at 5 weeks of age thats keen!)
Visitors Ian welcomed visitors: - Andrew & Ruth (GPz600), John & Shane.
Apologies: Tom, Andi and Les Leahy
Secretary Report: Contents of PO Box sorted & relevant items read by Ben : -
VMAC report, Triumph Magazine, Bike Videos - Lobethal.
Treasurers Report: As at end of August there was $2969 in the bank.
Captains Report Past and Forthcoming rides previewed by Theo Kalkandis and Ian Payne.
General Business: Ian spoke about the cancelled rides (two in August) and asked for members feedback as to was it just the inclement weather or were there other factors!
New Social Sip venue for October Hotel Canada
New itinerary for Oct, Nov, Dec and January is completed which will see us visit: Trials Championship, the Hotham 1000 (1000klm in a day), Bombala for Cup Day, Porpunkah for Christmas and a 5 day ride around Tallangatta.
Ian gave a brief rundown on the Conference in Sydney and some of the issues discussed
Jon Riddett bought up the issue of members addresss being published. As membership renewals ask, "what information dont you want published" this should be enough. But many members pay at meeting without filling in a form. As there is an anomaly Committee will discuss. So current list will not be published.
Door Prize: 1st Ben Warden, 2nd Danny Kosinski, 3rd Theo Kalkandis,
4th Darren Hosking.
A short break for supper was taken to allow items for the Auction to be sorted and set up for viewing.
Auction: A variety of goods were put up for sale with bundles of bike magazines again proving a popular buy.
Close Meeting: 10.35pm