March Meeting Minutes
Thursday 2nd
Open Meeting: 8.30pm
Present: 14 members and friends in attendance.
Visitors: Ian welcomed visitor, Edwin Gatt, our guest speaker.
Apologies: Danny Vitts, Wayne Grant, Theo Kalkandis
Secretary Report: Contents of PO Box sorted & relevant items read by Ben: BMW Icicle
Ride 8/7/00, God Squad Rally, Bike Electrics, Tarago Rally and Bank
Treasurers Report: No report due to Wayne being absent.
Captains Report Past and forthcoming rides previewed by Ian Payne.
Also a reminder that Port Campbell weekend has been cancelled!
General Business:
Guest Speaker: Edwin Gatt, an authority on alcohol and drugs, gave a very informative talk on
proposed legislation regarding "driving under the influence" and some of the
anomalies regarding it.
Door Prize: 1st John Murphy 2nd John Murphy 3rd Rhys Williams
Close Meeting: 9.50pm