Open Meeting: 8:20pm, Thursday 6th

Present: 19 members and friends in attendance.

Visitors Ian welcomed visitor, Kelly Johnston.

Apologies: Danny Vits.

Secretary Report: Contents of PO Box sorted & relevant items read by Ben:

VMC minutes, RACV Rally, Shannon’s.

Treasurer’s Report: $1900 in bank.

Captains’ Report Past and forthcoming rides previewed by Ray Walker & Ian Payne.

General Business: Ian reminded members that subscriptions are now due.

In an effort to limit unfinancial members access to our website "members only" section, a new password is required which will be shown on the membership card.

Sandown Ride Day. Wayne gave a brief rundown (refer to his article in the July newsletter). Ian also spoke of the day and whether we will hold another! Consensus was that we would, but in spring or summer with more time to plan and attract a higher attendance.

Ben gave a brief summary of Martin Hastie’s continuing hospital treatment (refer to July newsletter) after his minor crash back in early May.

Ian asked for an indication of how many people would be going on Sunday’s ride to the Pig & Whistle Hotel, as bookings are required.

A discussion took place on how best to integrate new people into our Club, as many of them tend to cluster together when on the Sunday rides! A thought was that members should approach them and make them feel welcome, not leave it up to the Club Captain.

Danny Kosinski has "First Aid Kits" for sale. These are for a Fundraising venture and at $20 are much cheaper than retail.

Ian gave a rundown on Les Leahy’s "Team Navigation Trial" and what great fun it was! He also mentioned the large number of bikes at the West Gate Servo and what an ideal departure point it made.

Wayne alerted members to recent articles on "wire rope barriers" and the push for the re-introduction of "front number plates" on motorcycles!


Door Prize: 1st — Wayne Grant 2nd — Tim Walker 3rd — Rob Matricciani

Close Meeting: 9.16 pm