Present: 26 members
and friends in attendance.
Visitors Ian
welcomed visitor: - Margaret (our guest speaker)
Apologies: Ken
Wright & Peter
Secretary Report: Nil.
(later amended to note two new memberships received, bank statement, junk mail)
Treasurer’s Report: As
at end of January there was $2223.08 in
the bank.
Captains’ Report: Past
and forthcoming rides reviewed by Peter Weyermayr.
Previous Meeting: Ian
read the minutes from the September 03 meeting.
General Business: The new itinerary for
February to May is now available.
Our membership has continued
to grow with 64 financial members.
Ben gave an account on the
spate of crashes at the end of last year and an update on the condition of the
riders. Ray Walker was in attendance and itching to get back on a bike.
Ian expressed his
appreciation to those members for attending Mario Ibeas's funeral and thanked
Dianne Welsford for her articles in the newsletter.
Rhys Williams explained that due to the police attending his single
vehicle accident crash site, and his recorded reason for crashing being “brain
fade”, a traffic infringement notice had to be applied. But he may be able to
take up a 'Diversion Order' that may see the magistrate order a driver training
course which will negate the infringement notice! We await the outcome of his
court appearance.
We have run out of covers for the newsletter, hence the scenery photo!
When suitable pictures are available of Club events/members. These will be used
for the cover.
In the current newsletter the article 'The Pace' is reprinted. When
reading this piece you will be amazed at how close it is to our Club rides!
With no further business, we welcomed Margaret Weyl-Willett, founder of
Motorcycle Roadtours
Door Prize: No
door prize available!
Close Meeting: