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The links across the banner should provide you with enough information about the Club to inspire you to come for a ride. Below is more information about the Club including some frequently asked questions. Club rides are recognised as being very well organised with leaders, rear riders, and a corner marking system. The members are very experienced. We do not ride in formation. The emphasis is on fun. We avoid highways as we consider them boring and risky; we look for interesting roads and destinations. We are not about food or drinking; we don't ride pub to pub. That is not to say we are not social - we have regular weekends away, an on-line club magazine, private social media pages, and regular BBQs at member homes - it is just that riding is our priority. Most of us are professionals riding big bore Japanese or European motorcycles who can afford the habit, and the majority are 'older' more experienced riders. There is a hard core of regulars who ride most Sundays - notably the Committee - and the members get out as often as their other commitments allow. Some frequently asked questions are:
We ride between 300 and 500km every Sunday, typically at the higher end of the scale. We also have the occasional short ride. See itinerary page.
Safety is an important feature of our rides. Given the distances we travel and the time of year you should be appropriately dressed - helmet, jacket, pants, boots, gloves. (Gloves, even on hot days. No gloves (or boots), no ride.) Our strong preference is for full leathers or the equivalent synthetic protective clothing. Of course, if it is raining, you will need wet weather protection as well.
Experienced riders find themselves carrying articles to improve the quality of their ride. Such items as ear plugs, sun glasses, sun screen and a water bottle help look after the body. From a bike maintenance perspective, a can of chain lube and the standard toolkit may prove useful. A can of Mr Sheen and a couple of rags facilitate bug removal from your visor. The more community minded riders carry a puncture repair kit, 12V compressor, First Aid kit, siphon hose, cable ties and duct tape, and additional tools - all of which are useful from time time. Throw in your wallet and mobile phone and it becomes useful to fit a pillion seat bag to carry this small pile of extras.
The concept of "just one more ride" out of a tyre, though understandable from an economic point of view, fails dismally from a reliability and safety perspective. Chances are you will get a puncture, or suffer a worse fate. Grip is directly proportional to tread depth. No tread depth, no grip. It is as simple as that.
Riders can travel at their own pace; if they wish to travel faster, they will end up corner marking more often. If they ride at a leisurely pace then only occasionally will they be required to cornermark. Effectively, riders can travel at any speed they wish.
No, the advantage of the corner marking system is that riders very rarely get lost. There is no need to be constantly looking at a map - in fact you don't even have to know where you are going! Using a corner marking system makes for a smooth, flowing ride.
The engine capacity of the bike is not normally an issue. The bike should have sufficient power to maintain the legal speed limit in all conditions. Most bikes above 250cc are adequate. The bike must be registered and roadworthy. Understanding the limitations of your bike is critical, for instance, cruiser style bikes generally have reduced ground clearance in corners. Not exceeding the manufacturers design envelope is critical to safe riding. The rear rider will not pass anyone. But, we ask that riders have the technical ability to be able to maintain the legal limit everywhere - including uphill, into a head wind, and on twisty roads. Otherwise it is impossible to plan rides with any degree of certainty with respect to distances and times. Inability to maintain the legal speed limit is more to do with skill, experience and rider attitude rather than limitations of the bike. Less experienced riders may feel pressured to ride faster, and hence we recommend that learners not ride with us, particularly due to the distances we ride. Rider safety is of paramount importance to the Club. Riders should not feel pressured to ride above their skill level. So, at any time, a rider can leave the ride, letting the rear rider know first. Fatigue can be an issue for less experienced riders.
Prospective members must have attended at least three rides in the previous 12 months before applying for membership. Full membership costs $30 per year, Associate membership $15. Associate membership applies to non-riders such as pillions or partners who can enjoy Social Sips, BBQs and weekends away.
We have rides in all directions from Melbourne in about a 200km radius. Yes, we do have rides that head out west, usually starting at the Laverton service station on Geelong Road.
A thorough read of the web site will give you an indication of where we sit in the market. In a nut shell we are very organised, very professional and have very experienced riders riding well maintained machines. More importantly, our riders are true enthusiasts who love nothing better than to go for a Sunday ride in the company of other motorcycle enthusiasts and share a safe and fun riding experience. Again and again.
The Club provides a wealth of experience in most (road oriented) facets of motorcycling. Some people just live and breathe tyres and suspension. One of the benefits of riding with our Club is that you will be able to tap into this valuable resource. If you would like to understand motorcycle suspension a little better, visit one of the many sites on the internet.
The only way to work out if we are right for you is to come for a ride. There is no obligation, just arrive with a full tank of petrol. At any time you are free to leave the ride. Tips for your First Ride with MSR - a short article by a Club member
You are welcome to come along to any of our rides. We hope to see you soon.