The Points System


The MSTCV Participant of the Year is determined by the number of points each Club member accrues in the Club year, from one May Annual General Meeting to the next. Points are awarded in the following way: 1 point for each function attended, whether a ride, Social Sip, social event or General Meeting, usually as identified on the itinerary. An additional point is awarded to the leader and rear riders. Should the rear or lead ride positions be shared, then the extra point is shared, half each. If three or more people share these duties, then no points are awarded.  Points are also awarded to contributors to the Club magazine, one per article, up to a maximum of two points per magazine. For simplicity, a four day weekend counts as one ride, and hence one point, though there has been pressure to count every day as a separate function.  How do you measure attendance? If you turn up for any part of the ride, you get a point. Sounds complicated? It used to be more complex. Opposite is a table for the first third (four months) of the year.  The top participants are Ben (25), Liz (22), Pete (21), Ron (19.5), Rob (16) and Ian (14.5). Mind you September has not been accounted for. Next month I will bring it up to date. …Ed.