Club Camp, Porepunkah    December, 2005


Loading the BMW with enough gear for my nine year old daughter Meagan and I to camp the three nights at Mt Buffalo Caravan Park was quite a challenge. For me this was half the fun. We headed off at 10 am Tuesday from Geelong for what ended up being a six hour ride to our destination. A long ride for a nine year old’s first experience on the back of a motorbike. I think the excitement outweighed any discomfort that was experienced. To my pleasant surprise, there were a lot more members at the park than I had expected and they all gave us a very warm welcome. After setting up the two man tent, we headed in to bustling Bright for some supplies and pizza.

Wednesday morning we were greeted by grey skies that soon developed into pouring rain. Postponing the ride for that day until about 11am, when finally the skies turned to blue, Meagan, Ern and I headed off to Albury to replace our front tyres. This was achieved without too much hassle. With the temperature rising fast we headed back to the caravan park while Ern took the long way via Mitta Mitta.

On returning to the caravan park Meagan and I joined the other 20-30 campers and one 4 foot tiger snake for a swim in the nearby river. Not happy to stay where it was, the snake decided to make a break for the opposite bank, much to the horror of the ten people also in its path, and twenty other screaming on lookers. Most people managed to get out of the way of the fast moving serpent, except for three young girls who took refuge in their blow up boat. The snake also tried a couple of times to board the blow up boat, fortunately for the hysterical girls these attempts were unsuccessful. Finally it made its way to the bushes on the opposite bank. Within 15 minutes the swimming hole had returned to normal, except for a few less people, ourselves included.

That evening, while some people were tyre changing and making fine adjustments to their bikes we joined Ben, Julie, Lyn, Jacinta, Ern and Barb in a friendly game of cards.

With only a short ride to Falls Creek and back scheduled for the day’s ride, I volunteered myself and Meagan to go rear rider, a little apprehensive to whether we could keep up or not. As it turned out we weren’t that far behind the group. Being rear rider I was able to observe the head turning of all the people in Bright as the dozen or so leather clad riders snaked their way through town.

Out of town heading for the Towonga gap Danny showed us his riding skills by dropping a mono far off into the distance. “Awesome” was the muffled comment I heard come from the little voice behind me.

It wasn’t long before we were at Falls Creek. The temperature was a comfortable 17 degrees. Meagan was suffering from motion sickness, so I bought her a potato cake to settle her stomach, much to the horror of Lyn and Ben. The potato cake combined with a much smoother ride down the mountain avoided any further stomach complaints, and what could have been a very messy disaster. A quick photo shoot at picturesque Bogong then lunch at Mt Beauty and of course more photos. It was time to head back to the caravan park for a much need cooling off in the river.

That evening I joined the usual race (I mean ride) up Mt Buffalo. I think the BMW enjoyed the tight twisties as much as I did, making Lyn a little nervous as I was right on her tail all the way. We took time to enjoy the magnificent views of the surrounding countryside and more photos. Lyn was adamant she didn’t want me on her tail on the way down so I tried to tag on to Ben, finding him slowly but surely pulling away from me. Not to worry, after all, it wasn’t a race.

With a good night’s sleep behind us, it was time to load the BM and endure the hot bum-numbing ride home. The BM was up for sale but that may be put on hold after Meagan was keen to know when our next ride together would be.

Thanks to all the club members who made our four day stay at Mt Buffalo so enjoyable. We wish you a safe and happy new year.   


Shane & Meagan Hindle