AGM Report – May
As you are probably aware, this year’s AGM had to be deferred as not
enough members were present to form a quorum! As per our Constitution,
No item of business shall be transacted unless a quorum
of members is present. 15 members personally present constitute a quorum, including
a minimum of 4 committee members.
As we only had 11 members in total, the meeting was adjourned to be held
in exactly 1 week’s time.
The lack of attendance is quite perplexing as although our AGM’s are usually
a low-key affair, this year the committee had organized a First Aid talk by
Subsequently, our ‘special’ AGM was held one week later with this time
enough members present to enable the election of our committee.
2006/2007 Committee
President - Ian Payne Vice President - Paul Southwell
Public Officer - Peter Feistl Secretary/Editor - Ben Warden
Captain – Trevor Harris Vice Captain – Breht Emmerson
Secretary – Lyn Duncan Social
Secretary - Martin Hastie
If any member has ideas on how we should tackle this lack of attendance,
please drop me a line!
Ian Payne
President. 2005/2006